Begin your time of study and preparation by reading the context passage, 1 John 4. Look back over Session 4 as and keep the original context in mind. Pray and ask God to give you clarity of mind and wisdom as you prepare to teach. Pray for your students as well, that God would prepare their hearts and continue to draw them to Himself this week. Then, read this devotional post by Alistair Begg’s ministry, Truth for Life.
- Evaluate your own life and think about where your love for Christ stems from. One quote from this post says that, “Our love for Him is the result of His love for us.” Think about that and thank God for His ultimate sacrifice and act of love in the gift of His Son.
- It is by our love that people will know that we are Christians. Encourage your students to think of some practical ways they can show love to those around them this week.
- Read and ponder 1 John 4:8 and Ephesians 5:1-2. We should not expect those who do not have a relationship with Christ to love. As believers though, we are called to show Christ’s love and to share Him with those in our lives who are not yet saved.
I’m having trouble finding the One Conversation each week. I’m following the link in my workbook but no luck. Please advise. Thanks
Hi, I’m sorry you had trouble finding it. Here’s the link to where all of the One Conversations are available:
Let us know if there is anything else we can help with.