We pray that this quarter of Explore the Bible has been a blessing to you and yours this winter so far!
As a reminder, session 7 comes with the suggested use date of January 22, 2017 (though traditionally, it can also be observed on the third Sunday of January). That is National Sanctity of Human Life Day. So, Session 7 takes a break from our study of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth to focus on a passage from Proverbs that convicts our hearts to defend the lives of the unborn and a passage from Mark that shows God’s heart toward the elderly. Our hope is to let these passages speak about God’s love for life from the womb to natural death. We are praying for you and your team as you move through these passages. By all means, if you are not following along with the suggested use dates, feel free to skip to session 7, or keep moving in session order. There’s never a bad Sunday to study and apply these texts!
May God use His Word to spur His people to save lives.