If you’re short on prep time or just looking for some extra guidance, our weekly Leader Training is designed to help you lead your students through the week’s lesson.
This is the Leader Training for Session 8 of our Winter 2023 study of the Gospel of John, chapters 1–11 (suggested use date: January 22, 2023).
You can also download this week’s leader training in PDF format here.
Session 8: A Miraculous Feast
Key Text: John 6:9-21,48-58,61-68
Central Truth:
In John 6, Jesus offered one logic-defying demonstration after another: He fed five thousand with a boy’s measly lunch, He walked on water, and He taught one of His strangest teachings, “My flesh is true food.” The disciples were amazed, overwhelmed, and confused. Their belief was strengthened but also challenged. Even through the confusion, these events pointed to one eternal truth: Jesus saves and satisfies the spiritually hungry who look to Him.
Key Question:
What does it tell us about Jesus that He took a small lunch, turned it into a feast, and still had leftovers?
Jesus offers spiritual food that saves us from spiritual death—but this food does more than save! It also satisfies. Jesus’s feeding of the large crowd demonstrates that Jesus operates in abundance. When He provides the food, everyone is full and there are leftovers! If this is true about the physical food Jesus offers, how much more must it be true about the spiritual food He offers?
Keep in Mind:
— Having questions is a normal part of following Jesus, but many students may worry they aren’t allowed to ask or feel confused. However, engaging our questions about Jesus is a great way to approach God in prayer and approach His word!
— This text allows us to witness some of Jesus’s followers abandoning Him when His teachings became offensive to them. Of course, this demonstrates that they weren’t true followers to begin with. A true follower believes who Jesus is and clings to what can be known about Him, even in the midst of doubts. You may have students who are wrestling with confusion and doubt about Jesus! Encourage them to process their confusion like Peter rather than acting like the followers who left the moment it got confusing.
What spiritual hunger are you experiencing? Where are you looking for salvation and satisfaction?
The Win:
FOR THE STUDENT: Like “spiritual thirst,” students can begin to use the framework of “spiritual hunger” to help them become aware of what they long for and who can save and satisfy them.
FOR THE LEADER: Use the language of “spiritual hunger” to help students process their internal battles. Help them discover what they are longing for and point them to the only One who offers life-giving water.
Additional Helps:
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Listen to the weekly Lifeway Student Ministry Podcast for fresh perspectives on student ministry in today’s world. Hosted by Ben Trueblood, Director of Student Ministry at Lifeway, and produced by Nathan Howard, Project Coordinator for Lifeway Students.
Read our guide to creating a safer, more engaging environment for online Bible study.
Watch replays of our webinars for group leaders and teachers, hosted by Ken Braddy, Lifeway’s Director of Sunday School. These webinars are designed to help leaders build their confidence, strengthen their groups, and enhance their Bible studies.