The Explore the Bible Leader Pack for students and adults includes maps, timelines, outlines, charts, key verses, and other items designed to be used to enhance the group time without taking time away from the leader. There are multiple ways of using a pack item, with some uses being more obvious than others. Here’s a list of different ways of using pack items.
Decorate the room. Place selected items throughout the room as a way of changing up the walls every three months.
Read all the content. When directed in the Group Plans, read aloud the content included on the item. In some cases, the only place this content is found is on the pack item.
Highlight one section, word, or phrase. Sometimes the only thing you really need to read aloud or call attention to is one piece of information on an item. Highlight just that one piece of information and move on.
Ask a volunteer to read aloud. To involve the group, invite a volunteer to read the content on the item or one section of the content included.
Pass around the group. Some items can be passed from participant to participant during an activity to help them complete the activity. Be sure you call attention to the content that relates to the session before handing the item off.
Display in a non-conventional way. Sometimes displaying an item on the floor in the center of the group circle, on the floor where most will enter, or on the ceiling can serve as a way to add some spice to the meeting space and some intrigue. You may choose to do this just to get the group’s attention or to do something different.
Display at the exit. Some items have more information than others and can be displayed near the exit so the group can read the remaining information as they exit. Highlight the piece of information needed during the session and then direct them to review the rest of the information on their way out.
Display over the coffee and donuts table. This approach works similar to displaying the item near the exit, but you are doing so at a natural place for congregating. The poster serves as a means of whetting their spiritual appetite as they address their physical appetites.
Display at the entrance. Some items announce a study or give the group clues as to what will be studied. These kinds of items can be placed outside the entrance or near the door.
Write on it. Some items are designed to be written on. In fact, any item can be written on to highlight or remind the group of a key insight or where they are in the study. Flip chart markers tend to work best; just make sure you let the ink dry.
Write on the back. The Group Plans may include an idea that calls for you to write on a large sheet of paper. The back of a pack item will work well. Use flip chart markers since they tend to bleed less that other markers.
To more easily identify something in the Personal Study Guide and Daily Discipleship Guide. Some items include information also found in the Personal Study Guide and Daily Discipleship Guide (for example, the map on the inside back cover and the Bible book outline printed in the first few pages of the resources). Using these types of items along with the Personal Study Guide or Daily Discipleship Guide allows you to identify locations and outline points so group members can easily find the same information in the resource they hold in their hands.
Make copies for distribution. Some items are designed to be distributed in mass to the group. These items include a permission to photocopy statement on the bottom corner. These handouts can be used to simply give the group more information, for group assignments, for a person to use prior to attending who will be presenting a summary of the information on the handout, or to secure group response.
The Explore the Bible Leader Pack is available in a print or digital format. The digital format tends to be more limited in use but can be used to accomplish many of the same things listed above (for example, if projecting a digital item using a PDF reader on your computer, you can use the comments feature to “write” on the item).
The printed leader pack includes a card that features a redeemable code. Follow the directions on the card to download a digital version of the Leader Pack along with .DOC files of the commentary and group plans found in the Explore the Bible Leader Guide and Explore the Bible Daily Discipleship Guide (Leader Helps).
Learn more about the Winter 2021-22 Leader Packs: Adults Students
Many of the same actions apply to the Leader Tool Kits in Explore the Bible: Kids. Take a look at the options.