This coming Sunday, January 18, is recognized by the Southern Baptist Convention as Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Some of you may be aware of this and your churches may already be planning to emphasize this in their services. If your church is not addressing this issue in their services, you might want to consider taking some extra time to address this with your students. This video from Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, will help further address the value of life and how no life is a wasted life. Genesis 9:1-7 and Psalm 8:4-8 are the passages you will focus on with your students in this session. Take time to consider the following questions below, some of which Dr. Moore addressed briefly in his video. Keep these things in mind as you are preparing to teach.
- How can you personally stand up for the unborn and for women who are being hurt by the abortion industry? If you have students who are looking for opportunities to act on this, you might try to find an opportunity for them to serve at a Christian Crisis Pregnancy Center in your community.
- Be extremely mindful of young ladies in your student ministry who might have had an abortion or those who have a friend who have. Help to encourage them and to discuss with them that where there is true repentance, God will bring healing.
- Dr. Moore closed the video with “Jesus loves the little children. All the children of the world.” Discuss the value of life with your students. Some may have questions about when life begins. Be prepared to answer their questions and more importantly, direct them to God’s Word. You might also want to read and reference Jeremiah 1:5, Job 31:15, Psalm 51:5, and Psalm 139:13-16 as you prepare.
We hope that you’ll be able to discuss the sanctity of human life with your students. Whether it’s on a Wednesday night when you have more time or if it is over coffee one-on-one, our prayer is that your students would not only know the truths of God’s Word, but that they would choose to take a stand in their schools and community and place significant value of human life, just as God does.