This month each blog post has introduced and explained a new feature you’ll find in our Fall 2023 Explore the Bible resources. We’ve discussed bonus digital content accessible via QR codes you’ll find in our Leader Guide, Daily Discipleship Guide teaching plan pages, and QuickSource. Additional discussion questions in QuickSource are also coming your way, along with simplified commentary in our Leader Guide.
Our final new feature to be unveiled in our Fall resources are easy-to-use teaching plans available in our Leader Guide. In the past, the teaching plan was located in the pages after the verse-by-verse commentary. Now, the teaching plan will be opposite the commentary for each verse. While you teach, you’ll simply follow the teaching directives given on each page and be able to spend more discussion time on specific verses if needed. No more flipping pages back and forth—the commentary will be on the opposing page.
We’re looking forward to Fall! These features are time-savers, making your preparation simpler. They’ll also come in handy during your Bible study time. With these additions to the Leader Guide, QuickSource, and the Daily Discipleship Guide teaching plans, you’ll be fully equipped to lead an engaging study!