In Session 13 of the Minor Prophets study, leaders are directed to look at various covenants in Scripture. Here are a few of the covenants listed that will help you get started:
1: Edenic (innocence), between God and mankind; Man was created in the image of God and told to be fruitful and multiply. Genesis 1:26-30;2:16-17
2: Adamic (grace), with Adam and Eve, Satan; Because of their sin, the woman would bear children in anguish and the man would struggle for survival. Death was introduced as the inescapable fate of all living things. Genesis 3:16-19
3: Noahic (faithfulness) with Noah and his family; God’s divine oath or promise to not repeat the great flood Genesis 9:8-17
4: Abrahamaic (blessing and redemption) between Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; God promised to give the land of Canaan to Abraham’s descendants after a long sojourn in a foreign land. God’s covenant promise was extended to include international relations, many descendants, and to be God of Abraham’s descendants forever. Genesis 12:1-3;15:18; 17:2
4: Mosaic (written Word) with Moses and the Israelites; The Israelites gained redemption from slavery based on their confession of God’s salvation and their obedience to God and His covenant law (eventually the Ten Commandments). Exodus 6:5-6; 19:4;23:32; 24:3-8; 31:16