Genre is defined as a grouping of, in the case of the Bible, literature, which is similar in form, style, or subject matter. The Bible is not a single book, but a collection of sixty-six books bound together. Together these smaller books make up the whole of God’s written revelation of Himself to man. The Bible is a literary work, organized by genre, to help guide our understanding of God’s revelation as we read the stories contained in it. Understanding biblical genre and giving kids opportunity to experience each type will help boys and girls on their journey of interacting with God through His Word.
Each genre of Scripture is unique, and helping kids discover why the books of the Bible are grouped the way they are will lead kids to a better understanding of why that particular book is even in the Bible. Biblical genres help to inform the interpretation of certain passages of Scripture. Genre studies will also guide an understanding of the context of individual passages studied. Together, these helps will make Bible study for kids alive!
Explore the Bible Kids identifies six genres as we guide kids to dig deep into God’s Word. These six genres are Law, History, Poetry & Wisdom, Prophecy, Gospels, and Letters. Books of Law reveal God’s rules for faithful life. History books record the history of God’s chosen nation, Israel, and how their walk with Him can inform our daily walk with Him as well. Poetry & Wisdom books reveal how people can communicate with God and helpful tools for living God-honoring lives. Prophecy books reveal God’s plan for the future. Old Testament prophecy books reveal Israel’s future, and New Testament prophecy looks forward to Christ’s return. The Gospels share God’s redemption though the person of Jesus Christ. These books center on Jesus’ life and the sacrifice He made to provide salvation to all who come to Him. Finally, Letters written to churches and individuals illuminate further how Christians can live daily to follow God.
Each genre will be expanded on in coming posts. Take some time and discover why each type of literature is important for kids and how teaching through genre will help kids better understand each book they study.