Questions! Questions! Questions! Who doesn’t have questions about the Bible? In Explore the Bible: Kids, we answer some of the five Ws of each book utilizing the Books of the Bible Posters.
The five Ws are:
WHO wrote each book of the Bible? When the author is known or sometimes speculated, the name (or names) is given. Use the names to trigger further study with the kids.
Genesis: Who wrote the text? Moses Who is the audience? Israelites, traveling to the promised land.
WHAT was happening in the world when the book was written? Bring the Bible into our historical context—recorded times, places, and events from Bible times. Each book will have two or more historical events listed.
Deuteronomy: Water clocks invented by the Egyptians (to tell time at night), 1400 B.C.; Musical notation, 1400 B.C.; Chopsticks used in China, 1400 B.C.
WHEN was the book written and when did the events take place? No one knows the exact dates for the writings of all of the books. Suggested dates are included where applicable. Use the answers about when the events took place to form a general time line of events and the books.
John: When written—Possibly A.D. 80-90; When did the event take place—A.D. 26-30
WHERE was the book written or where was the location of the audience or where did the author live? The where answers several different questions on location.
2 Thessalonians: Where written—Corinth
WHY was the book written? The why provides a shortened explanation of why each book was written. This viewpoint helps one understand the overall theme of each book.
Jonah: To show God’s compassion for a repentant people, no matter who they are or what they have done.
Display the session’s Bible book poster each week and review the information. Display the books of each genre of the Bible or one Testament at a time. Help everyone learn more about the books in the Bible.
I teach a older children’s Sunday school class. Interested in material to help them dig deeper in learning Gods word.
Hi Chrissie,
Thanks for the question. Go to Click on the Kids box. Once the new page has loaded, go to the bottom of the page and click on Younger and Older Kids Studies. Click to preview one month free! I believe you will like how we help leaders guide kids to dig deeper into their Bibles. Email us with any questions you may have.
These 5Ws posters look A-MAZING! I not only would use them for Bible Studies (for all ages… everyone loves to review & learn the basics) but would love to post these in your Study Space AT HOME =)
Thank you, Kristina. We are happy you like the posters. We do to. We had fun designing, researching, and preparing them. We also thought all age groups would enjoy them. We wish you the best with ETB.
How does this material work with extended sessions – IE Children’s Church?
Hi, Dale. The Books of the Bible posters are a product that can be used in class with both the Bible study portion as well as the extended session material. For younger and older kids we have a Tool Kit with Worship option that will give you a full second hour of large group content to use during your Children’s Church teaching experience. Preschool resources also have a similar Tool Kit with Worship that you can purchase to give you a second hour of teaching helps for preschoolers as well.
Hi there! I’ve just found that the 5 Ws poster for Matthew is not included in the Younger Kids Toolkit Poster Pack for Winter 2015-16. Can you give me the direct link so that I can order it please? Thanks!!