This month on the blog, we’re focusing on teaching tools. We want to highlight a few practical helps to help make your Bible study engaging and impactful! The Leader Guide and QuickSource offer simple-to-follow teaching plans that provide all you need for solid discussion. Putting those teaching plans into action will lead your group to unpack the passage, go deeper with discussion questions, and wrap up with a challenge to apply all you have learned. You’ll be prepared, no doubt! We also offer additional tools for leaders to incorporate into the lesson. Those tools are what we’ll discuss this month.
In the Leader Guide, you’ll find an entire page of extra teaching ideas called OPTIONS. These bonus teaching ideas are designed for various learning styles, so you’ll see suggestions for using music, case studies, or even drama. People learn in different ways, so incorporating different types of learning can boost group member engagement considerably.
Weaving an optional teaching idea into your teaching time doesn’t have to be complicated. First, choose one idea that you think would work well with your group. Second, determine where this idea best fits in the teaching plan. Consider how much time this idea should take and make a note in the teaching plan. Finally, gather all necessary supplies.
For each lesson, a full page of teaching ideas is located just after the teaching plan in the Leader Guide. We hope these will be useful to you and bring fresh ideas to your group time. We’re here to support you as you teach God’s Word each week!