Here is a quick introduction to what Explore the Bible Kids offers in the way of resources to help you guide boys and girls with the tools they need to dig deep into His Word. Each of these resources gives you the valuable steps you need to teach kids vital biblical truths and increase their biblical literacy while you teach.
The easiest way to purchase Explore the Bible Kids is through our Tool Kits. These tool kits are basically a one stop shop and contain one of everything you need to successfully lead a session of Explore the Bible Kids. Here’s what you find inside your Tool Kit:
1 Leader Guide. This guide takes you step by step through teaching procedures that introduce kids to Bible stories that will guide their understanding of who God is and why the stories contained in specific books are there. Boys and girls will use their Bibles to investigate these Bible truths together.
1 Explorer Guide or Activity Pages. These valuable pieces for the learner provide hands-on activities and interesting facts that support the Bible story being taught.
1 Leader Pack or Poster Pack. These packs are filled with teaching materials that support the Bible story learning. Each pack contains many extras that help you successfully guide your kids in learning from God’s Word.
1 Pack of Family Cards. These cards contain information for parents who can use the suggested activities or questions to follow up with their kids during the week.
1 Enhanced CD. The music and print extras that are on this disc provide additional resources to include all kids in the learning.
1 DVD. The DVD resource is only for school age kids. This disc contains 13 episodes of Explore the Bible on Location—a hosted video segment that supports the teaching each week. This video puts the world of the Bible into modern-day context in a fun, and sometimes, surprising way.
While the Tool Kit contains one of each of these resources, you can always purchase them individually and purchase additional kids resources to make sure each kid has what she needs to learn each week.
If you like digital resources you can also purchase a digital subscription of Explore the Bible Kids resources through our Ministry Grid platform. The content is the same, you just get access to the digital materials in a way that best meets your needs.
Want to get a sample of four lessons sent digitally? (go here)
Want to take a deeper dig into these resources? (preview guide)