. . . It’s Worth Doing Well
I would guess you’ve heard that admonition—or something very much like it—through the years. So often I remember wanting to hurry up and finish a task, or quickly put a checkmark on my “to do” list. (Well, I still operate with numerous “to do” lists.) That did not satisfy my mother who was all about taking your time.
I would guess that many of us are like that. In our hurry-up-I-don’t-have-time-to-wait world, most of us want to rush ourselves, our families, our co-workers, and others until our heads are spinning.
But you know, my mother was right. Any job we tackle should be given our full attention, energy, effort, and time as much as possible. That applies to teaching children. That is a task that can’t be done in a hurry-up manner—children just won’t let us do that. Rather, they want to savor every new taste, linger over each new discovery, practice and practice every new skill. And all those things take time—theirs and ours.
It’s not enough that we provide a room full of resources for these eager learners. We must commit to prepare fully, thoroughly, and diligently. Children deserve our very best. Do you remember what Jesus said? “God’s kingdom belongs to people like these children” (Luke 18:16, my paraphrase).
What value God placed on children! How can we give less than our all to teaching preschoolers and kids? Pray that God will bless you with time, energy, and renewed commitment. And ask Him to help you do all things well!
Rachel Coe is content editor for Explore the Bible: Preschoolers resources. She still gets covered up with to-do lists, but makes teaching preschoolers a top priority.