New features are coming this Fall to Explore the Bible resources! This month I’ll highlight just a few changes you can expect to see in the resources you use each week to prepare and lead a Bible study. Our goal is to fully equip you to lead an engaging study of God’s Word—and we think these additional features will do just that.
Beginning with the Fall Leader Guide, we’ve added bonus digital content that offers a deeper look at a key location, key term, key teaching, or key person. When you encounter a QR code in the teaching plan, you’ll be directed to scan it. This QR code will take you to audio, video, an image, or a pdf that explores the topic a bit further than what’s offered in the printed Leader Guide. Designed for the group leader, the bonus digital content offers insight into the cultural and biblical context of the study passage.
We know you may have questions! Here are a few answers.
- What if I don’t have time to scan the QR code? Is the information vital to teaching the lesson? It’s not! You can easily lead a robust Bible study with the teaching plan found in the Leader Guide.
- Will there be bonus digital content in each session? No. There will be 4-5 QR codes throughout the quarter.
- What should I expect? Each QR code is unique, leading you to bonus content such as video, audio conversations, photos, research graphics, charts, blog posts, and more.
- Does this add extra time to my preparation? The videos and audio clips are about 3 minutes or less in length.
We’re looking forward to Fall and all the new features you’ll find in your Explore the Bible resources!
Susan says
Thanks for the helps! I enjoy the blogs!! I want to say thanks to Charles Draper for his article “Key Words in Jesus’s Intercessory Prayer.” I miss the Biblical Illustrators Magazines but inclusion in the Leaders’ Guide is appreciated!! All the articles in our guide are great! The Salvation plan in every issue is a useful tool for all of us. Thanks Dwayne McCrary! You are a star! (Phil. 2:15)
Amber Vaden says
Thank you for these kind words! We’re glad to know you find these resources helpful.
Dan McDonald says
Looking forward to the additional information. Thank you.