Corporate worship is a wonderful time for families to join together and learn more about Jesus and the things He’s done for us. Sometimes, however, pastors teach God’s Word without considering the fact that there are boys and girls sitting in the pews alongside their parents. Here are some tips to consider as you shape your message to include kids.
1. Remember what it was like when you were a kid. Considering the fact that you, too, were once a child, and it’s likely that you attended church at that time, remember what it was like to sit and hear the pastor teach. What things did you not understand, how would you change your content to relate more to kids.
2. Use examples that relate to kids lives. Think about the kids that might be in your preaching time and think about using language and illustrations that will connect with little ears and hearts.
3. Let kids participate in your worship service. Are there times when you can include kids in your worship service? Can children participate during the offering, is there a special time that focuses specifically on kids? Think about creative ways to include them in your service.
4. Provide special notes for children who are in your service. Many children’s bulletins exist that you can use, or better yet, tailor one specifically to your sermon. The bulletin can have any kind of listening activities that will help kids engage with the sermon content.
5. Use kid friendly words. Remember that kids won’t understand all of your big words. It’s perfectly fine for you to use those words, but be sure to explain those words in language kids will understand. Not only will this help kids engage in the service, but it might also help some of the adults!
Remember, having kids in your worship service is a wonderful experience as you lead boys and girls. It’s easy for you to help kids engage, but you should remember these easy steps.