Session 7 begins the second part of the Summer quarter and will begin your study in the Book of Revelation. It is alright to be intimidated or overwhelmed as you approach this challenging book in Scripture. Pray for wisdom and discernment as you seek to teach this Scripture to students. Read or listen to this sermon by John Piper that focuses in on Revelation 1:4-5.
- Consider the context of Revelation and the audience that John is writing to.
- Despite current events, we can be confident that Christ is on His throne. Verse 5 specifically references that He is the “rule of the kings of the earth.” Think about your worries and give them to God in prayer. He is sovereign and in control, even when our lives may feel out of control.
- Emphasize the central truth for this session and encourage your students to memorize Revelation 1:8. You might also use the pack item included in the Leader Pack as a visual aid to help them memorize this verse.
- Point out the repetition in this Scripture passage by guiding students to look at the similarities between verse four and verse 8.
We are praying for you this quarter as you teach students God’s Word. Thank you for faithfully serving Him and students!