Creating a lifelong love of God and His Word begins at the very earliest days. I’ve often heard people exclaim that ministry to babies and toddlers is merely babysitting. The truth is that it’s completely the opposite. The moment a baby is born they begin learning. Their brains are tuned into the new environment around them, and they are taking in the sights and sounds of this grand adventure. They are learning every moment of every day. Let’s take advantage of those days to lay a foundation that will lead to a hunger for God’s Word.
Even the youngest of babies can develop foundational Bible skills that will guide them on their journey toward biblical literacy. Consider a few of these ideas as you incorporate Bible skills into your babies and toddlers teaching times.
When you help a younger preschooler touch, hold, and turn the pages of the Bible, she will know that the Bible is a book.
When you tell Bible stories from your open Bible, younger preschoolers will recognize that the Bible tells stories about God and Jesus.
When you say the names of Bible people out loud while you meet a baby’s needs, he begins to associate those names with the Bible.
When you consistently use God’s Word when engaging younger preschoolers, they begin to know that the Bible is more than a book; it is a special book.
God’s Word is valuable and there is no age limit on that value. Think about ways you use the Bible in teaching environments. If you don’t regularly use the Bible with younger preschoolers, implement some of these ideas as you engage babies and toddlers to develop a lifelong love of the Bible.
What are some ways you have used the Bible with younger preschoolers?