The central truth for this session is: You will face opposition when you pursue God’s call for your life. As you pick back up with your study of the Book of Nehemiah, read this post from The Gospel Coalition by Derek Rishmawy and then answer the following questions. All throughout the Bible, we see that following Christ is not a cakewalk, but that believers will always face challenges.
- How are you seeking the easy road, and by doing so, possibly missing some difficult things that God might be calling you to do?
- Read 1 Corinthians 16:8-9. Is your view of opposition and adversaries a negative one? If so, pray that God will open your eyes to the challenges in your life and ask Him to give you strength to face opposition.
- As you minister to students, allow God to examine your heart. As you read about Nehemiah’s fight against Sanballat and Tobiah, think about some of the trials you’ve faced in your own life and how God has used those to shape you and bring glory to His name.