In June of 2022, we introduced a library of resources for Bible studies for use by churches and Bible study groups for the Deaf. The resources are based on previously published studies from Explore the Bible Deaf resources. Some Bible book studies were not available (Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon; 1&2 Thessalonians; 1&2 Kings; Micah; and Jeremiah and Lamentations) so these will be added as they are developed.
Our purpose here is to help others navigate the library.
Why the library?
The Explore the Bible Deaf digital library provides a resource that is cost-friendly to the churches seeking to reach the Deaf in their community. A group can touch all the Bible books when using this resource. The digital library resources are printable, ASL friendly, and includes plans for leading a group time which removes the need for a video that replaces a Bible study leader.
What is in the library?
When a person goes to the digital library (, they find four columns of studies listed. The first column contains studies designed for use in a quarter, while the other three columns include stand-alone lessons for Christmas, Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, and Easter.
The studies under the quarter heading are titled by the Bible book or books included in that resource. Some titles also include the phrase “with Christmas and Sanctity of Human Life” or “with Easter.” These studies were originally designed for use in a Winter quarter or Spring quarter so the special lessons for that quarter were included in the digital library study.
How do we create a study plan?
The best way is to create a grid with four columns and nine rows. Title one column as Fall, the next as Winter, the third as Spring, and the fourth column as Summer. Label each row using years (2022, 2023, etc.). Take the list of studies and place them on the grid being sure to place studies with a Christmas lesson in the Winter column and studies with an Easter lesson in the Spring column. Once you have created your grid, begin working through your plan.
Read article about the creation of the Explore the Bible Deaf digital library.
Examine the Explore the Bible Deaf Library.