1. Learn names ASAP
Trust me, it matters! Kids need to know that you see them as individuals—unique and special. Work hard to keep siblings’ names straight. Help kids understand that you care about them. Tip: if you have multiples in your class, ask their parents for tips on learning who is who.
2. Start early with Bible Skills
It takes time to learn how to use the Bible. Start by teaching kids about the table of contents. Don’t forget to break down how to read a Scripture reference.
3. Over plan for the first few weeks
Some groups of kids speed through crafts. Some don’t like games. It will take a couple of weeks to find a good rhythm with your new group of kids. Plan more activities than normal, so you can be flexible as needed. Explore the Bible: Kids offers three activities at the end of each session plan, so you have plenty of ideas available! After you discover more about your kids’ abilities and likes, you will have a better idea of how much you need to plan each week.
4. Check out the free Explore the Bible: Kids training videos on Ministry Grid. A short video is available each week.
5. Prepare your heart.
Read the Leader Bible Study. Read and meditate on the Core Passage and the Connection Passage. Pray for your kids.
Wanda Cothern says
I cannot find the Genesis books of the Bible poster called for in the first session of Explore the Bible for older kids.
S Harris says
The “Genesis” poster is inside the Explore the Bible: Books of the Bible Posters. Here is a link for ordering the posters. They are also available in digital format. http://www.lifeway.com/Product/explore-the-bible-books-of-the-bible-posters-P005681346
You can display all of the posters together or display them one at a time as you discuss the book being studied. Each classroom will need one set of these posters.
Grace and peace,