In the kids’ ministry world, we typically speak of the Books of the Bible and the division they belong to. The 66 books are divided into 10 divisions—5 in the Old Testament and 5 in the New Testament. Divisions are a great tool we use to help kids understand how the books of the Bible are arranged and what some of them have in common. Don’t worry, Explore the Bible: Kids will teach kids all about the Bible Book Divisions.
In addition to Bible Book Divisions, Explore the Bible: Kids is introducing kids to biblical genres. One of our promises is that we will cover all 6 genres of biblical literature during our 3-year scope and sequence. What are the 6 genres? Law, History, Wisdom and Poetry, Prophecy, Gospel, and Letters.
Why teach genres and divisions?
- It’s important for kids to understand why our Bible books are arranged the way they are. The books are not arranged chronologically. They are arranged by similarities in content, thus we have divisions.
- It’s important for kids to understand that different genres have different rules. Each genre of biblical literature has specific rules that the author followed. This impacts the context and the meaning of the text. As kids grow into adults and continue their biblical studies, these genre rules will become more and more important to their understanding of the context and the meaning of each passage of Scripture.
Learning about the Bible Book Divisions and the Genres of the Bible are foundational elements to helping kids explore God’s Word and dig deep into His life-transforming truths.
For more information about genres, check out this chart of biblical genres.