OK. I have a confession. I have a favorite. Yep. I have a favorite product in our Explore the Bible: Kids product family. It is the Explore the Bible: Books of the Bible Posters. You can purchase them in digital format or print. They are full of color, pictures, and Bible facts! Not only can you use the posters to learn the Who, What, Where, When, and Why of each Bible book, but you can use the posters to play games to help kids deepen their knowledge of the Bible. The next time you have some extra time with your group of kids, consider playing this game.
Name That Book
Post all of the posters around the room. I recommend posting them in order but if you want an extra twist to your game, mix them up. Invite kids to gather in the middle of the room. Explain that you will read a fact from one of the posters. When you say go, kids should search the posters and name which Book of the Bible that fact is connected to.
Here are some facts to get you started:
- This author was a medical doctor. (Luke)
- This book is only 73 verses long. (Joel)
- Locusts, katydids (or bald locusts), crickets, and grasshoppers were considered clean food for the Israelites. Yum! (Leviticus)
- When King Hezekiah realized the Assyrians would draw near Jerusalem, he fortified the city and dug a tunnel through solid rock to bring water into the city. This tunnel still exists today! (Micah)
- Og, King of Bashan, had a bed measuring more than 13 feet in length and 6 feet in width. (Deuteronomy)
- This book was Paul’s final book and was written from a prison cell in Rome. (2 Timothy)
- Almonds and pistachios are nuts mentioned in the Bible. (Genesis)
- John probably intended for his letter to be passed around to different churches in Asia Minor.
(1 John) - This book has the shortest chapter and the longest chapter in the Bible. (Psalms)
- This author was born about A.D. 5. (Jude)
- Samuel anointed Israel’s first two kings in this book. (1 Samuel)
- This book contains 24 speeches. (Acts)
- Nineveh was the mightiest city of the Assyrian Empire. Its walls were wide enough to accommodate three chariots riding side by side and the wall was about 8 miles around! (Nahum)
- The longest verse in the Old Testament is in this book. (Esther)
- Jesus made seven “I Am” statements in this book. (John)
- The shortest verse in the Old Testament is in this book. (1 Chronicles)
Have fun and let me know some ways you use the Books of the Bible Posters!
I am looking for one poster lising every book of the old testament, can you help me?