A listing of free resources available to help you better prepare and teach a Bible study group using Adult Explore the Bible. These ideas support Session 5 (“Kingdom Work”) in the Fall 2024 study of Acts 13–28 (Acts 15:39–16:10).
Extra Idea
Extra provides an idea for using a current news story to introduce and conclude the group time. Download the PDF here.
Weekly Leader Training Podcast
Members of the Explore the Bible editorial team review the main points of the study, discuss some critical questions from the study, and provide teaching tips along the way. Listen to the podcast here.
Leader Webinars
Access several free webinars and podcasts designed just for leaders and hosted by Ken Braddy, Lifeway’s Director of Sunday School.
The continuity of the lesllons could be looked at by the people that produce the curriculum. We often get breaks in the story that we are trying to cover thus we have to fill in the gaps which means we get behind in the quarterly study. It seems to not work well when we try to teach a concept coverin two or chapters. Take a look at Session 5 of the fall study. It would be better if we took chapters as a whole. Also I wish we would consider books in the order in which they appear in Bible.
This is a great question. Why do we skip some passages? As you might imagine, nothing we do is more challenging than determining what passages we will examine in depth. A team of people prayerfully work to identify the specific passages that will be examined. Our intent is to identify the major themes within that specific Bible book and the passages from which those themes arise. One reason we include the reading plan in the front of the Personal Study Guide is to give people a plan for reading all the verses in a specific book (the reading plan incorporates every verse in the Bible book or books being studied in that quarter).
The promise of Explore the Bible is to help groups examine the books of the Bible in a 9-year time frame. If a group were to look at a chapter a week (there are 1,189 chapters in the Bible) that group would complete a study of the Bible in 22 years and 11 months.
One reason we don’t study the books in the order we find them in our Bibles since we would not cover Jesus’s life (the gospels) for several years. This video explains more about how we arrived at our study plan.
Thanks for asking about this! Know that we are praying for your group as you gather this week to study God’s Word.
Do you have study guides to help on each session of adults leaders guide for acts13-28 that would help me with the lessons.
We do! Our Explore the Bible Leader Guide offers a step-by-step teaching plan for each session. To order yours, click this link: https://www.lifeway.com/en/product/explore-the-bible-adult-leader-guide-csb-fall-2024-M00101284/005075122.2024-FAL