A listing of free resources available to help you better prepare and teach a Bible study group using Adult Explore the Bible. These ideas support Session 11 (“Revealed?”) in the Spring 2024 study of Genesis 20–50 (Gen. 41:14-21,33-37).
Extra Idea
Extra provides an idea for using a current news story to introduce and conclude the group time. Download the PDF here.
Weekly Leader Training Podcast
Members of the Explore the Bible editorial team review the main points of the study, discuss some critical questions from the study, and provide teaching tips along the way. Listen to the podcast here.
Leader Webinars
Access several free webinars and podcasts designed just for leaders and hosted by Ken Braddy, Lifeway’s Director of Sunday School.
Linda Weatherly says
Just wanted to comment about the set up of the lessons in the Leader Guide. I have not found it helpful at all. It doesn’t seem to have a flow or continuity of the scriptures. Just random highlights that don’t connect the story. Neither do I find the Group Activity Options practical. For ex. bring 5 dominoes, show a mouse trap with cheese, or give 2 building blocks to each person. On the other hand the Leader Commentary has been a tremendous asset. I have never written a comment about the literature but felt compelled to do so. I have taught Sunday school for over 50 years but still appreciate all the help and input I can get.
Amber Vaden says
Linda, thank you for sharing your concerns related to the Leader Guide. The changes were intended to make leader preparation simpler both before teaching the lesson and while teaching the lesson (the idea being that the keywords and phrases would be easily identifiable should a question arise about a specific word). Our team will take your assessment in view and discuss how we can create a more practical, useful Leader Guide. I’m so glad you’ve found the Commentary to be beneficial. We’re grateful for the opportunity to serve you and your group!
Amber Vaden
Joy Battles says
I agree with Linda. I seldom use any of the ideas in the Group Activity options because they would take up so much time. I literally end up with about 30 minutes for the lesson and I spend that time on the scripture itself and questions about background, meaning and application. To divide into groups and discuss heritage or any of the other activities would take away from the actual words of the Bible. If we had two hours I would love to do some of those things. The commentary has always been my major source of study, even back when Hershel Hobbs did it so well. It stresses the main themes and helps so much with understanding. I have been teaching over 50 years like Linda. The Bible itself is a powerful teacher. I want my class to read it and study it on their own and we need to help them do that.
Amber Vaden says
This is great insight, Joy. I’m glad you find the Commentary to be a benefit to your preparation to teach!