The central truth for this session is: Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the new covenant. Read this article by Sinclair Ferguson of Ligonier Ministries and take some time to consider the following questions about what you’ve read:
- Does the fact that Law (Mosaic covenant) is now obsolete (Heb. 8:13) make you uncomfortable? If so, why?
- Remember and reflect on the fact that the Old Testament (Mosaic) Law was never intended to be permanent. Read about the fulfillment of the Law in Matthew 5:17-20.
- Read Hebrews 8:1-13 again. How is the new covenant different from the old?
The new covenant is only made possible through Jesus Christ. We have forgiveness because of His sacrifice on the cross and now His laws our in our minds and written on our hearts. Point out the significance of this to your students. Help them understand that the old covenant was rendered obsolete because of Jesus— He is the new covenant sacrifice.