After you’ve read the context passage of Habakkuk 3:1-19, take some time to read this post by Ligonier Ministries, which provides more context on the prayer of Habakkuk. In Habakkuk’s prayer, he speaks of God’s mighty works and how He has been faithful. In spite of the trials he rejoices in God and affirms that the Lord is his strength.
- In verse 2, Habakkuk acknowledges that he stood in awe of the Lord’s deeds. Then there are three things he asks of God. These are listed in more detail in your Leader Guide. Do your prayers reflect the same attitude Habakkuk had in this prayer? Why or why not?
- Remind your students that God did not change Habakkuk’s circumstances, but He revealed Himself and Habakkuk found his confidence in Christ.
- Ask students to list circumstances in their lives that may be overwhelming, or anything that is on their mind a lot. Then, ask them to pray about these things and to seek God. Guide them to place their hope and confidence in Him no matter the circumstances they may encounter.