Easter is just around the corner, so why not prepare for this holy celebration? Here are a few ways you can lead your group members to prepare their hearts for Easter.
Spend time in personal confession and worship. Confessing our sins to the One who paid the price for them is a profound privilege. Don’t overlook the blessing we have to be in relationship with Jesus. Follow up your confession with a time of personal worship. Read from the Psalms or put on some worship music to express your gratitude for the new life you have in Christ.
Read through John chapters 13-21 this week. Some of these chapters you will have just studied in recent weeks and some chapters are still to come. Still, extra time spent reading a chapter or two a day offers a big-picture view of Jesus’s last week leading up to His death and His glorious resurrection.
Invite someone to Easter worship. Jesus’s death and resurrection are the heart of the gospel. The Easter message is good news we should share with others. Take a moment to consider whom you might invite to your church’s Easter service. Then, take that next step and extend an invitation!
Jesus died for our sins and ROSE AGAIN to defeat sin and death! Our freedom was purchased once and for all. He is worthy of all our worship!