Janet had heard about Jesus all her life. Coming from a traditional family, she grew up attending her family’s church regularly. Most people would look at her and consider her as religious. But deep down inside, Janet realized that she needed more, that there was something that she was missing. She had questions, but the church she was attending didn’t seem to have any answers. Frustrated, she simply stopped attending.
Years later, Janet decided to attend a church near her new home. Entering the church with her family, Janet immediately noticed that this church was very different. The people in this place were less concerned about religious practices and more concerned about personal relationships. This church was warm, even friendly, and after the worship service, someone did something that she had never experienced before: they invited her to a Bible study.
It wasn’t long before she began attending the Bible study that her group had to stop meeting in person due to the coronavirus. However, her group leader made an adjustment and invited all members to meet in a virtual class. It was in that environment where she thrived, as Janet felt safe to ask bold, even basic questions about Jesus, the Bible, and life itself. Eventually, she came to know Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior after talking with a friend who patiently shared the gospel with her.
This really happened. I can tell you that Janet and members of her family are new believers in Jesus Christ, excited about their new life and the chance to grow in Him. God is still working in this way!
If you are a group leader, you cannot deny that all around us, people are grappling with questions of life and death as they hear news about the coronavirus. In fact, many may not know it, but they are starving internally to hear the words that Jesus said in John 8:32 (CSB): “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” People want something more than what the world offers, and this desire is satisfied only through Jesus Christ. People need the gospel.

This gospel is what we must proclaim, so that people can see that while circumstances in the world might change, Christ never does. That His kingdom reigns, His presence has never left us, His words are better than life itself. The gospel of Jesus Christ is what the world needs, especially now.
People like Janet need the gospel of Jesus Christ. People like her need to be engaged in the Word so they can know and follow Him. In fact, we all need this! And, yes, this is where you come in.
I want to share a rare opportunity for you while we are studying the Book of Romans. Because of the events related to the coronavirus, we at Lifeway’s Explore the Bible have made our spring digital Bible study curriculum available free of charge for any church leader wanting to use this in their groups. This means that the rest of our study on the Book of Romans is available for you and your church to use, right now, until May 31. There’s no obligation, no subscription, and no catch: we just want to serve the Church in a time when people need to hear about Jesus.
Are you ready to help people like Janet? Just go to curriculum.lifeway.com to take advantage of this opportunity to disciple others, to advance the kingdom, and to do it all for the glory of God.
Let’s respond to a world in need of the truth of Jesus Christ—be sure to get started today!
For Christ and in Christ,
Dr. Fran Trascritti