The Bible is filled with simple tests. Adam was told he could eat from anything in the garden except for ONE tree (Gen 2:17). Naaman was told to simply dunk himself in the Jordan River seven times to be healed of his leprosy (2 Kings 5:10). Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell everything he had and then follow Him (Matt. 19:21). Of these three, only Naaman eventually did what was asked of him (but only after throwing a fit).
The Israelites also faced a simple test in the wilderness. They grumbled about not having food, so God promised to provide them with bread from heaven each morning. They were to collect what was needed for that day and gather enough for two days on Friday. They were to store none of this special bread overnight except on Friday. The instructions seem simple enough that anyone could understand and follow them. Some did exactly as directed, but some saved their leftovers for the next day and some failed to collect enough on Friday for two days. They failed this simple test of faith and obedience.
Before we condemn any of these people for failing a simple test, we need to look in the mirror. God gives us simple tests all the time and we fail too. When have we sensed God telling us to talk to a person about faith and we just kept on walking? When was the last time we sensed God telling us to provide for someone in need and our first thought was about where we will get a meal next Thursday? Every test presented to us by God is really an opportunity to demonstrate our trust in Him. Gathering manna only for that day was a way of demonstrating trust in God to provide for the next day. Our obedience is a proclamation of our trust in His as well. The answer to why God doesn’t give us something “big” to do may be found in how well we follow His simple instructions in the “small” things.
What are some “small” simple things God is asking you do? How are these simple acts expressions of trust in God and His provisions?