I have yet to see Simeon and Anna in a manger scene. They saw Jesus two years before the magi and almost every manger scene includes the magi. Why not Simeon and Anna too? These two senior adults can teach us a lot about finding Jesus in Christmas. They did at least four things that can help us find Jesus in our Christmas as well.
- They were looking for Him. Generally we find things we are seeking on purpose. Simeon was promised that he would not die until he saw the promised Messiah (Luke 2:26). Why would God make such a promise? Maybe because Simeon was looking for the Messiah in a day when many had forgotten the promises of God. We can get so busy in the Christmas time that we spend all our time looking for the perfect gift and fail to look for Jesus. We too must look on purpose and with intentionally.
- They were looking for Him in the right place. Anna and Simeon were at the temple regularly. Where else would one go in New Testament times if they were waiting for God’s promised Messiah? If we want to find Jesus in Christmas, then we should go where His followers are gathered or where they are doing the things He directed. One reason we fail to find Jesus in Christmas we don’t go to the places where He most likely will be found or ignore doing the things He directed. Provide a meal in His name, share a gift with someone in His name, or pray with a lonely person in His name. We find Him when we do what He directed with others seeking to do the same.
- They offered praise when they found Him. It appears that Simeon and Anna were offering praise before they found Him. God had been faithful to both Simeon and Anna, and they were faithful to Him. God knew He would be praised when these two finally saw the promised Messiah. Why should God show up if all we are going to do is ask Him for a favor or that He make life easier for us? Would you show up if you knew our requests awaited you? If we begin to offer praises to Him for who He is, we will find Jesus in our Christmas. He will show up.
- They told others about Who they found. Can you imagine the excitement in Anna’s voice as she told others about Jesus? (See Luke 2:38) One way to find Jesus in Christmas is to start talking about Him. Tell others about why He came, about His life, about His death, about His resurrection, and about His promised return. You can all but be assured that you will find Him as you share about Him, and you can help someone else find Him in the process.
What other actions can you take to find Jesus in your Christmas? How can you incorporate the actions taken by Simeon and Anna into your Christmas celebration?
Merry Christmas,
Can you make this in a printable form without my having to run off seven copies.?
Most times, if not all, your comments are more directly related to the Bible passages listed for the day.
Thank you,
David Hulsey
Sent a word doc by email….Dwayne