As a leader, we all want to know what we need to do the stay fresh or to stay in the position of leader. Here are five things we can do to continue to develop and remain a leader.
- Know what you are good at as a leader
We all have strengths and weaknesses and they are usually connected. A person who displays confidence can also be arrogant. A person who will see a project to the end can also be stubborn. There are a variety of assessments designed to help you discover your leadership style and strengths. Take one or two and review the results with a trusted friend (my wife and I usually both take the assessment and discuss the results with each other).
- Have a plan for getting better
The most dangerous day for a leader is the day we feel that we have become all we set out to be. We are a day away from no longer doing what got us to where we are. We must continually do things to learn and build our strengths. Too many times we focus on our shortcomings and ignore the things at which we excel. Athletic teams select players because of what they can do and the same is true in our lives. Create a written plan of action for growth and revisit it often.
- Read on purpose
Establish a habit of reading but be selective on what you read. Review the list of top selling books in business, education, history, and biographies posted by your favorite book source. Ask business leaders what they are reading or being asked to read. Discover what college and university students are asked to read, looking for books you have never read on a subject that interests you. Leaders have always been readers.
- Journal
Journaling in effect is carrying on a conversation with yourself. It helps you clarify what you are thinking and interpret what you are experiencing and learning. Include actions you wish you had taken as you reflect on your day or week.
- Pass it on
This action assumes that we can show someone how we do or did something as opposed to telling them what we read in a book. God allows us to have the experiences we have for a reason. One of those reasons is so we can share it with someone else. The truth of the matter is there will be a day when we are no longer do what we are doing. Our legacy will be what we invested into the next generation who take on the responsibility we once had.