Session 9: Saved
Suggested Week of Use: April 26, 2020
Core Passage: Romans 10:5-15
News Story Summary
In Jacksonville, FL, in early February, firefighters raced into a burning home knowing a child was trapped inside. Arriving at the home, they found where the baby was located and using a pickaxe, they hacked at the window from the outside of the room identified as the room in which the child was located. The smoke was so black and heavy it would have delayed the rescue if firefighters had to make their way through the house to find the child. Grabbing the baby, they passed her out the window and rushed her to the hospital. On the way, the child started coughing and moving around so they knew she was alive. Days after the fire, the firefighters visited the girl in the hospital where they were tearfully thanked by the girl’s mom.
(For more on this story, search the Internet using the term “Firefighters relive dramatic rescue of toddler from burning home.”)
Focus Attention
To replace the Introduction idea under Focus Attention, begin by asking the group to think about times they’ve been rescued from some type of potential threat, danger, or disaster. After most have joined the group, share a summary of the news story of the firefighters who saved a little girl from a burning home. Say: Think about how often this girl and her family will tell others about her being saved from the fire. Today’s study reminds us of our eternal salvation granted through faith in Jesus and our obligation to tell others.
Summarize and Challenge
To supplement the Challenge idea under Summarize and Challenge, begin by recap the story of the little girl rescued by the firefighters. Focus on Romans 10:14. Say: Like the firefighters, we have the responsibility to rescue others by telling them about eternal salvation that comes through faith in Jesus Christ. Lead the group to consider their response to the third question set under In My Context (PSG) or Apply the Text (DDG), following the plan as written.